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Short History of The Tradition of Christmas Hampers

Short History of The Tradition of Christmas Hampers

Wondering how the tradition of Christmas hampers started? A Christmas without traditions can’t be a joyful Christmas. For many families, Christmas is what brings them together and makes them share magical and affectionate moments. For other people, it’s that time of the year when they skip all the diet and they just want to enjoy delicious food and drinks without counting the calories. But one thing that people from all around the world agree to, is buying and packing that special gift for that special person.

One of the things that make traditions so special is that they’re often passed from one generation to the next, and without us knowing exactly why. Have you ever wondered why your family does certain things around the holidays or around a special date?

Gifting loved ones with Christmas hampers is a long-time tradition in British culture.

Watch Fortnum & Mason’s story of their famous Hampers

Introducing The Hampers to England

The hampers were introduced to England by France and gained popularity during the Victorian period. The wicker basket filled with delicious and savoury treats dates back to 1066 when William the Conqueror ruled Britain.  In 11th century Britain, the hampers were filled with food, drinks, and even clothing. Then, the baskets were first given as a charitable offering to poor or impoverished families.

The Idea of Christmas Hampers

The history says that the Christmas hamper “idea” was born as a gift idea to cherish those you love by gifting them an elegant wicker basket carrying delicious food and drink. Also to share with them unique and magical moments while tasting and sharing what the hamper contained.

Christmas hampers are seen as a gesture of love and goodwill between friends and family. Many holiday traditions surround good food, good drink, and good people, making the Christmas hamper the perfect gift, however, nowadays, hampers are available the whole year round can be given in any occasion, for example, birthdays, wedding anniversary, new baby, father’s day or as a simple way to say thank you to someone.

The good thing about hampers is that you will look elegant and chic if you decide to give a one as a gift, and the best thing about them is that you can use your imagination and just filled them up with anything you like.

See Also
10 of The Most Popular Gifts for Gourmet Lovers

Watch Kate Murnane’s video of how to create Hampers for Christmas gift idea

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Where to Buy the Best Christmas Hampers in the UK?

How to Choose the Best Christmas Hamper?

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